Pune: On the amendment proposed in the Centre’s legislation ‘Prevention of Damage to Public Property Act, 1984’ (PDPP Act of 1984), which are seeking to deter the prospective offenders from destroying and vandalizing the properties either of Public or Private ownership, during the period of agitations and other protests, the concerned Ministry of Home Affairs has, on yesterday 20th May, invited suggestions from general public.
For making the said piece of Legislation more effective the honourable Supreme Court of India had already formed a Committee taking Chairmanship from the Former Justice of the Apex Court, K. T. Thomas and this committee responsible to examine the modalities which are to be adopted. The said Committee was also to suggest certain changes which will be suitable in order to make the Prevention of Damage to Public Property, Act more and more meaningful.
In its report, the said Committee under the Chairmanship of Former Justice to the Apex Court, pointed that looking to the increasing ratio of instances where the Public owned property is being damaged, the enactment (PDPP, Act of 1984) was appeared more inadequate and also ineffective to deal with the problems. As such the said Committee has recommended to bring certain effective amendments in said the Prevention of Damage to Public Properties Act, 1984.
The said Recommendations of the former Justice, K. T. Thomas’s Committee decided to be accepted by the Ministry of Home Affairs. However, the Ministry has finalized the view that before bringing amendments in the existing statute (PDPP, Act) of 1984, the concerned Amending Bill of 2015 to be kept open for suggestions or comments from the Public and other Stakeholders till the 20th day of July of this year.
As such the Ministry of Home Affairs, has published and kept open to the access of the Public the existing provisions of the Prevention of Damage to Public Property Act, 1984 and also the proposed draft of Prevention of Damage to Public Property (Amending), Act 2015. Such suggestions or comments from the public on the proposed Amending Bill [being PDPP (Amending) Bill, 2015] can also be sent, directly, to the Ministry of Home Affairs, CS Division on its address being: ‘5th Floor, NDCC Building, Jai Singh Road, New Delhi-110001’. And the mails comprising such Suggestion or comments can also be sent on e-mail address: dircs1-mha@mha.gov.in.
by Faim Khalilkhan Pathan.