Honourable Supreme Court of India’s Justice, Ranjan Gogoi is appointed by Rajya Sabha Chairman, as the head of the panel which is to investigate in the matters of Sexual Harassment Charges which has been levelled against Gangele, the Judge of high court of Madhya Pradesh. This appointment is made following the retirement of the Apex Court’s Judge Vikramjit Sen.
It was commented by Mukul Rohatgi, the Attorney General, in his recently expressed view that irrespective of the retirement of Justice Vikramjit Sen from the Supreme Court of India, he could continue to lead the panel. And he commented as such, as there is no provision in the Judges Inquiry Act, 1968 on the issue that whether after his retirement from the court can lead the committee.
However, the issue was left with the Rajya Sabha to decide whether Justice Vikramjit Sen could continue to lead committee or not. Chairman of Rajya Sabha, Hamid Ansari took a call on this issue and as such the present decision has been formed.
Moreover, as per the opinion of the Law Minister, Justice Vikramjit Sen was heading the panel only by virtue of his being judge to the Apex Court, but now with his retirement, he should be replaced.
Looking to such issues, the committee was decided to be again constituted and the decision was taken by Vice- President, Hamid Ansari.
As per the new decision, the fresh notification of Rajya Sabha was issued with several modifications in which primarily, it was found mentioned that the committee for making an investigation into the claim for removal of Justice SK Gangele of High Court of Madhya Pradesh, is re- constituted to consist the three Members, Justice Ranjan Gogoi of Apex Court, Chief Justice, Manjula Chellur, of High Court of Calcutta and Senior Advocate, Venugopal, of Supreme Court.
Thus, Justice Ranjan Gogoi of Supreme Court of India was taken to head the committee whereas, the Senior Advocate, Venugopa and Chief Justice Manjula of Calcutta High Court were already selected as the member in the previously constituted committee. Now, as such, this re- constituted committee will be looking at the investigation of the case of SK Gangele.
Adv. Faim Khalilkhan Pathan