Supreme Court refused bail plea; asks Kanhaiya Kumar to approach High Court

New Delhi: JNUSU President- Kanhaiya Kumar’s preferred Bail petition is refused to be heard on by the honourable Supreme Court of India’s concerned bench on Friday, 19 February, 2016.

Jawaharlal Nehru University’s Student’s Union President- Kanhaiya Kumar had preferred bail application yesterday on Thursday before the honourable Supreme Court of India in furtherance with the right enshrined under Article 32 of the Constitution of India. However, today honourable Apex Court of the country’s Bench comprising of Justice J. Chelameswar and Justice Abhay Manohar Sapre has rejected to hear his plea and directed the High Court to hear the said Bail Plea, remarking the said direction should be followed ‘expeditiously’. Moreover, the bench of the Apex Court has agreed on the point that in the Patiala House Courts, the hearing on the Kanhaiya’s bail plea is not possible. Moreover, while directing the High Court, the Top Court has also directed the Delhi Police to ensure the security of the Advocates representing Kanhaiya Kumar.

While the matter was going on to progress, suddenly, in the Patiala House Courts Complex, the Journalists, students, teachers were thrashed by the mob of lawyers, and also Apex Court in its one of the comments on this issue, has stated that the said actions by the advocates cannot justifiable.

Now, honourable apex court’s concerned bench has decided that the Apex court is not the court which can hear this bail and also the present stage is not suitable for such hearing, as such hearing of the bail plea would directly open ‘floodgates’.

It was seen in the case that the JNUSU President- Kanhaiya Kumar was charged for sedition as he had allegedly organised an event commemorating 2001 Parliament attach convict- Afzal Guru, in which ‘anti- national’ slogans were shouted. Moreover, after he was arrested, there was seen a campus protests across India and also in the protests, thousands of students were appeared hitting the streets. Thus, the Kanhaiya sought bail moving to the Apex Court on Thursday, where he mentioned the grounds of his threat to his life in Tihar Jail, where he is serving judicial custody.