The State of Andhra Pradesh came to be an Indian State on October 1, 1953 by Andhra State Act, 1953. The State was created by the unification of northern districts under the State of Madras from among people speaking Telugu. Thereafter, the Telangana area located in the State of Hyderabad was joined together on November 1, 1956 and constituted Andhra Pradesh State with Telugu speaking people by State Reorganization Act, 1956. Later, on the recommendation and suggestion made by the States Reorganization Commission discussions were carried out to create State of Telangana. In 2014, the State of Telangana was formed to be the new Indian State by Andhra Pradesh Reorganization Act, 2014.

The Andhra State Act, 1953 was formulated with an objective to constitute the Andhra State, enhance the area of Mysore State and decrease the area of Madras State and other issues related with such reorganization. By virtue of the provisions of the Act, from the commencement of the Act Part A state shall be established which is called the Andhra State added with the territories that right away prior to the day consisted of some of the districts located in the State of Madras and such territories shall not form parts of the Madras state thereafter. Devoid of injustice to the authority of the concerned State to modify the boundaries as well as the names of the districts the above mentioned territories shall become the branch of Kurnool district and the other part shall form the extent of Anantapur district. The State of Mysore shall be included with certain territories that are immediately prior to the day was included in the taluks under the Bellary districts except some parts in the Madras State and such parts shall no more constitute the part of the Madras State.

The Act provides that from the date of initiation of the Act, State of Andhra Pradesh shall be established consisting of the parts mentioned under the Act in the Bellari District in the Madras State. Some of the taluks belonging to the Bellary district except some of the specified parts shall be included with the Mysore State and such parts shall not be a part of Madras State anymore. The Act amended the Schedule I of the Constitution of India by renumbering entries 1 to 9. As per the terms provided under the Act, the seats allocated to the Council of States in the Madras State shall be diminished to 18 from 27 and Council of the Andhra State shall be allocated with 12 seats.

Moreover, the enactment also amended the Schedule IV of the Constitution. The already existing members of the Madras State Council of States shall be considered to be chosen by the Members of Legislative Assembly of the State of Andhra who shall fill seats that are allocated to the Andhra State in the Council of States. The other members shall carry on their office as members of the Council of States in the Madras State. A separate High Court was also established for the State of Madras. The assets and the debts of the Madras State shall be apportioned between the States of Andhra and Mysore as determined by the terms of the Act.

Additionally, the seats allocated to the House of People in the Madras State shall be diminished to 46 from 75 and the seats allocated to the Mysore State shall be enhanced to 12 from 11 and in total 28 seats shall be allocated to the Andhra State. The present Act also altered some of the provisions of the Delimitation of Parliamentary and Assembly Constituencies (Madras) Order, 1951a and Delimitation of Parliamentary and Assembly Constituencies (Mysore) Order, 1951b. The Act revised the Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order, 1950a, and the Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order, 1950b as provided under the Act. Amendment was also effected to Section 2 of the Representation of the People Act, 1950 and Section 9(3) of the Delimitation Commission Act, 1952.