The Land Port Authority of India Act, 2010 was enacted on 31st August, 2010. Here, the Central Government by notification with the effect to such date shall appoint an Authority which is, “Land Ports Authority of India”. The said authority shall have perpetual succession and common seal with power which are given by the Act, i.e., acquire and hold the property both movable and immovable. Authority will be constituted by a Chairperson, two members one from planning and development and other from finance each & nine other members. The said authority will be disqualified if convicted or imprisoned for any offence, is of unsound, if is charged insolvent, or removed from the services by the both governments(central or state) or by own resignation.
Basic aim of the act is that the Land Port Authority of India is to put in place the systems which address security imperatives and for the development and management of facilities for cross border movement of passengers and goods at the said point along the international border of India and for that matter connected therewith or identical thereto.
The objective behind framing this act is to look after better sanitation of passengers, manage facilities for cross border movement of passengers and that the goods should reach the said destination of International border of India and also to construct and maintain roads, facilities for immigration, better custom procedures and their rules, proper security, establishing restrooms, arrange for postal money, exchange money facility, insurance of passengers and their goods, appropriate space for the warehouse for safety of goods. Better cargo facility, better baggage which would hold and carry goods properly. By providing all these facilities and also improved means of work will ease procedure of cross border passenger movement. While achieving the above objects, authority may in consult this to ministry or department of the Government of India or State government as it is so necessary to do so and thus, such authority is competent to enter into or perform any contract necessary to discharge his duties framed by the act. The authority while discharging the function given to him by the act has acquired any property, then such property shall be for only and only public use and not for any other purpose. So, the property acquired should be in four corners of law i.e., in this case it can be National Highway Act, 1956 or any such related act.
The goods which are found by the authority in the premises or around or in control of the authority has to be kept in his security, safe custody, or restore the same with him so that finally those could be handed over to the concerned passenger. Hence, any act which is done by the authority in good faith, such act cannot be argued i.e., such act cannot be taken in suit, any such legal proceedings, therefore passenger and the authority both are equally protected by act.
All the orders and any decision given by the authority shall be authenticated by the signature of the concerned chairperson or any other member who is authorized by the authority in his behalf and all other instruments that are executed by the authority shall be authenticated by the signature of such officer appointed by authority in his behalf. Thus , all the employees of the authority shall, while acting or doing any for the act which is lead in this act or if any rule or regulation made therein under shall be deemed to be the public servant as per the meaning provide in section 21 of the Indian Penal Code.
Thus, the basic aim and objective of safeguarding the passengers across borders served by this act is indeed useful to them. This act will ease the procedure and other documents related to immigration which are to be carried out by them. This act attracts more tourist visit which will serve in raising our economy also.