The Act is known as “The Registration of Birth and Death Act, 1969”. It extends to whole India and will come into force in every state as and when on such date when government will notifying in gazette and such dates will be different as it depends that when such act is enforced. For the purpose of this act “birth means, live-birth or still-birth”, “death means, permanent disappearance of all evidence of life at any time after live-birth has taken place”.
To govern rules relating to registration of birth and death central government may appoint Registrar – General of India as he may give some directions or make certain rules in relation registration of birth and death to such limits where this act is applicable and take certain steps so to synchronize and merge with Chief Registrar issue in relation to registration of birth and death and submit its report to central government to its applicability where this act is in force. Here, Chief Registrar is appointed for help of Registrar General by state government he has to follow direction given by Registrar General for matter related to Registration of birth and death and has to look after and control smooth work in registration and for this state government will divide limits of state and prescribe different rules for registration and in such manner District Registrar and Registrar are appointed to look after local limits fro registration.
Its duty of every person to inform and require to fill form in relation to any birth or death where such birth or death is in house either it be residential or non-residential, in hospital, health care centre, maternity or nursing home or other like institution where medical officer is authorised to de so, in jail then jailor has authority to do so, if at any resting place for visitor, any educational place, hostel, dharmshala, boarding-house, tavern, barrack, shop then owner is authorised for such registration, when such new born baby or any dead body is found in abandon in common place, village then officer who is in charge of that local area and all such officer has responsibility to provide cause for every death.
Any person who informing about birth or death orally, then his sign or thumb impression has to be taken against his name and information provided like place or birth or death or such case. If registration is done before expiry of date then no fees are incurred for registration but if delay by thirty-days then late fees is incurred and if after thirty-days but within one month then it shall be registered by making affidavit with notary of such officer who is authorised to do so, if registration is delay for more then one year then it is registered with permission of presidency magistrate after checking matter of birth or death with late fee payment.
While doing registration if parents has not mentioned any name of new born baby then after naming ceremony they has to intimate name said new born baby and make registration of birth with such name. If by mistake or by way to make fraud in register act provides that such information can be corrected or as per requirement can even cancel it. Every registrar is required to maintain register of all birth and death details so as they can provide it as and when asked.
All register offices are subject to inspection and examination by authorised person so as to conform that all records kept proper, sound and safe. So, for this if registrar want to seek information of any birth or death then he can ask such person who has all details of that birth or death is bound to provide that detail to registrar.
By any of which way person fails to register any birth or death or fraudulently register name or any death or give wrong information or refuse to give name or address of location where such birth or death caused is punished with fine which is up to fifty rupees. If any register ignore to register or any medical practitioner deny giving certificate then they are punished with fine up to fifty rupees. Any act done by any registrar in public good or in good conscience or in accordance to provision lead down in act then, against such act no suit or legal proceeding will lie.
by Samata. H. Joshi.