Asian-Pacific Law & Policy Journal – Volume 16, Issue 1

In this issue (Volume 16, Issue 1) of the Asian-Pacific Law & Policy Journal, it embodies five particular articles which talks about an array of imperative and controversial legitimate issues in Japan, China and Sri Lanka.

Following are those articles.

  1. Rebecca Wolozin, Citizenship Issues and Issuing Citizenship: A Case Study of Sri Lanka’s Citizenship Laws in a Global Context: This article clarifies the citizenship issues and issuing citizenship in Sri Lanka. Rebecca Wolozin presents the significance of legitimate ID, and how the abense of the privilege to nationality uncovered the occurencds of human rights misuses and extreme segregation with no obstruction from a state. Also she additionally examines Sri Lanka’s Citizenship laws to show key issues in worldwide citizenship laws.
  2. Larry Catá Backer, Crafting a Theory of Socialist Democracy For China in the 21st Century: Considering Hu Angang’s (胡鞍钢) Theory of Collective Presidency in the Context of the Emerging Chinese Constitutional State: In this article, Mr Backer lets us know the diverse manifestations of majority rules system and how China is occupied with adding to another model for practicing Democratic constitutionalism. He likewise presents Hu Angang’s hypothesis of collective presidency, a sort of communist majority rule government that empahiszes the mechanics and respectability of the collective government as the marker of democratic legitmacy.
  3. Megumi Honami, How Successful is Japan’s Labor Tribunal System?: The Labor Tribunal’s Limited Scope and Effectiveness: This article highlights the Japan’s regulatory and legal systems for individual labor dispute resolutions, and surveys a legal instrument that was created in 2006, the labor Tribunal System. Ms Honami contends that the Labor debate, and that the framework ought to be used to supplement other managerial system to attain to powerful dispute resolutions.
  4. Jeffrey K. L. Lee, Mediation in Mainland China and Hong Kong: Can They Learn from Each Other? In this article, it subtle elements the foundation of the current mediation systems in Mainland China and Hong Kong. In the wake of analyzing the issues of every mediation systems, Mr Lee Suggests that China and Hong Kong can enhance their mediation systems by acquiring one another’s practices.
  5. Yuki Arai, Is Japan Ready to Legalize Same-Sex Marriage? This last article of this volume examines about the authorizing same sex marriage in Japan. Yuki Arai gives a local Japanese viewpoint on this controversal legitimate issue. At present Japan does not have a legitimate framework to formalize same sex marriages.

Download the Pdf articles from the journal Website

  1. Rebecca Wolozin, Citizenship Issues and Issuing Citizenship: A Case Study of Sri Lanka’s Citizenship Laws in a Global Context
  2. Larry Catá Backer, Crafting a Theory of Socialist Democracy For China in the 21st Century: Considering Hu Angang’s (胡鞍钢) Theory of Collective Presidency in the Context of the Emerging Chinese Constitutional State
  3. Megumi Honami, How Successful is Japan’s Labor Tribunal System?: The Labor Tribunal’s Limited Scope and Effectiveness
  4. Jeffrey K. L. Lee, Mediation in Mainland China and Hong Kong: Can They Learn from Each Other?
  5. Yuki Arai, Is Japan Ready to Legalize Same-Sex Marriage?