Global Legal ConfEx 2015 organized by GOAL on April 28, 2015

The Global Outsourcing Association of Lawyers (GOAL) proposes to conduct the Global Legal ConfEx on April 28, 2015 at Habitat World at India Habitat Centre, Convention Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi, India. The organizers expect to make the ConfEx a beginning to uphold the welfare of legal professionals and to pass on the importance of legal education. The conference also aims to serve the interests of the persons who are closely or in some way related with legal profession. The program will provide for major benefits and better understanding on the opportunities of a law graduate.

The key legal issues will be open for discussion that provides better learning and exchange of ideas, practical experiences etc. In addition, people will get the chance to interact with the heads of legal institutions and can have a defined understanding from the speech delivered by legal luminaries. An evaluation can be done by comparing the past and present legal works and can suggest on the activities and improvements to be done to enhance quality of the profession. A live conversation can be made with the stakeholders and can find out new investment techniques and construct planned associated projects. The participants can visit law firms and can discuss on the service openings.

Global Outsourcing Association of Lawyers (GOAL) is an international legal organization the entry to which is through membership. The organization plays a key role for the advancement of legal fraternity by offering new chances to network the ideas. The GOAL conducts the conference to directly respond and contribute the suggestions along with the mission to introduce new events for the legal professionals. The main discussions will be on various subjects like litigation, dispute settlement mechanism, Intellectual Property Rights, legal process outsourcing and many more. The conference is open internationally to students, lawyers, academicians, business personnel and researchers. The conference is coordinated with an objective to promote long term relations and innovative ideas in business related with legal profession. The organizers will provide entry pass and after the conference certificates will be issued to the participants. More details can be obtained from the website of GOAL or by contacting the organizers.

The interested candidates can register through!registration/c7rk.

For further details contact:


By Jewel Panicker