The Atomic Energy (Amendment) Bill, 2015

The Atomic Energy (Amendment) Bill of 2015 was brought to amend the provisions of the Atomic Energy Act, 1962 i.e. the Original Act. The said Original Act is empowering the Central Government for producing, developing and using and also disposing of an atomic energy either by itself or through any authority or corporation established by that Government. Moreover, such production, development, use and disposal of the atomic energy is also allowed by the Government company through this enactment. Also that original enactment is also allowing the conduct of research in any matters connected with such atomic energies. And also, the two public sector undertakings namely Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited- NPCIL and Bhartiya Nabhikiya Vidyut Nigam Limited are operating nuclear power plants in the country, and these undertakings are also under the administrative control of Department of Atomic Energy. Moreover, one of such undertakings i.e. NPCIL is considering the formations of Joint Venture companies with the other Public sector undertakings of India for civil nuclear power projects. However, the said Original enactment is defining the expression ‘Government Company’ and it is precluding a Government company from entering into Joint Ventures with other PSUs from the concerned purposes. Thus, the present concerned Bill is seeking to overcome this difficulty.

Thus, the present concerned amending bill is seeking to amend the original enactment, to modify the said the definition of the expression ‘Government Company’ as found mentioned under its clause (bb) of sub- section (1) of Section 2 of the said Original Act. And this with the view to expand its scope by including such Joint Venture companies as may be formed between NPCIL and other public sector undertakings. Also, this amending bill is seeking to make some other consequential amendments in the Section 14 of the Original enactment. And these consequential amendments are enabling the Central Government for issuing the license to such Joint Venture companies for setting up of nuclear material. Also, this amending bill is offering the provisions for cancellations of licence in case of licensee ceasing to be the Government company.

Thus, the said bill was introduced in Lok Sabha on 7th day of December, 2015 and it was passed by it on 14th day of December, 2015 and then by Rajya sabha on the last day of session without discussion.