The Dakshina Bharat Hindi Prachar Sabha Act, 1964 was enacted on May 12, 1964 in order to announce the organization called to be the Dakshina Bharat Hindi Prachar Sabha that has its head office in the State of Madras which is an organization having national significance and other subjects related with the declaration. The Act came into force on June 1, 1964 when the date was publicized in the Gazette of India. Under the interpretation clause, the Act gives the definition of the term ‘memorandum’. Accordingly it is the memorandum of association of the Dakshina Bharat Hindi Prachar Sabha that has been registered with the Registrar who is discharging the functions as per the provisions of the Societies Registration Act, 1860. The rules and regulations consist of the laws that are formulated by the Sabha complying with the authority conferred to it according to the Societies Registration Act, 1860. Such rules and regulations exclude bye-laws as well as the standing orders which are issued during the compliance of the functions. The Sabha is considered to be of much significance to the nation and therefore the Act announced the Sabha to be an organization of national significance.

Also, the Sabha is entrusted with the duty to conduct exams and provide graduate courses and certificates thereof for the expertise in Hindi or instructional hours in Hindi that is decided by the Sabha periodically. The Sabha is directed under the Act to retain correct accounts and necessary documents and create a statement in this regard every year consisting of the balance sheet in the manner specified by the Government in this regard. The accounts so prepared shall be audited annually by the official prescribed under the enactment. Such official shall be a charted accountant who is a professional registered under the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949. The accountant shall be assigned with the job every year by the Sabha. The proviso to the Section states that where the members the working under the Sabha is charted accountants within the meaning of the Act, such persons are expressly banned from being appointed as the charted accountant to audit the account of the Sabha. All the auditors must have compulsorily, while carrying out their responsibilities, have in all justifiable period gone through documents, account books, registers etc of the Sabha or any other commission or board which is constituted by the Sabha. The auditors so appointed is required to put forward the report before the Sabha and also to send a copy of the record to the Government of India at the end of every year.
The Sabha shall take prior sanction of the Government of India to change, expand or shorten the objectives for which it is established or to unite it with other organizations or make changes to the memorandum of association or to suspend. The Central Government is given the authority to make committees after discussing the matter with the Sabha with the essential number of members. The committee shall scrutinize the activities of the Sabha at the prescribed term and the improvements that are effected, assess the functions etc. The Sabha is directed to give the important needs of the committee for the proper fulfillment of its functions. The report which is prepared by the Committee shall be send to the Government of India in the specified mode. The outcome of the assessment shall be analyzed by the President under the Sabha and the actions taken shall be intimated to the Central Government. Where the President fails to take action within the specified time, the Government can send notice to the Sabha directing it to give details of the matter. It shall act in place of the Sabha and give directions related to the statements declared in the report. The members working under the Sabha shall be given a specified sum in the form of remuneration after obtaining the prior sanction of the Central Government.