United Nations Adopts Resolution Against Sexual Abuse by UN Peacekeepers

On Friday, the United Nations Security Council has granted approval to the first resolution to deal with sexual abuse cases by UN peacekeepers. Usually, this job is entrusted with the UN peacekeepers who always extend their hands to protect the vulnerable groups in volatile areas of the world. The main concern was in the areas like Central African Republic and Congo. According to the report of the UN, there were nearly 69 cases of sexual abuse by UN Peacekeepers in 2015. The resolution got its approval by 14-0 votes though Egypt showed its abstention.

The resolution has pointed out the concern of the Security council with respect to the “continuing and serious allegations” on sexual abuses and also the exploitation by UN peacekeepers in the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilisation Mission in the Central African Republic (CAR) and also by other forces. UN has also asked to substitute contingents if reported problems are not inquired correctly. The resolution 2272 was drafted by US with the endorsement of the Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s plan to  make reforms. It requested that the entire troop be replaced from the contributing country where perpetrator belongs if that country fails to take proper steps to investigate the issue and when the perpetrator has not been punished. It further states that the Secretary General should be informed correctly regarding the progress of the investigation.

The concerned state can decide whether to engage police force or army persons and shall also decide on the punishment to be given where the cases of sexual abuse are proved through evidence. It was also said that UN wanted to send its powerful body to show its signal against sexual abuses all around the world  by its own forces. Samantha Power, US Ambassador also said that it is our pledge to the victims of sexual abuse that we will do better to prevent such issues. The Secretary General said that the resolution is an important step for the joint efforts to fight against sexual abuse and the damage caused to them as a consequence. He extended full support of the UN for victims of sexual harassment.

The UN has deployed more than 100,000 troops and police for this peace keeping operation and majority of these troops are send to the developing countries. UN also withdraws salaries and allowances provided to the troops by the countries. The resolution highlighted the measures adopted by UN and also the regular reports released by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) on f sexual exploitation and abuse.

Adv. Jewel Panicker

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