United Nations: Boutros Boutros- Ghali, the Former U. N. Secretary- General, also a blunt- spoken Egyptian died on this Tuesday, i.e. on 16th day of February, 2016, when he was 93 years old of his age.
Boutros- Ghali had led the world body through global turmoil as it was defined by it a peacekeeping role. He led the United Nations from his life’s chaotic years 1992 to 1996. And while his being heading U.N., the world has seen war in the former Yugoslavia and famine and genocide in Africa.
As per the comments came from the Officials of Al Salam Hospital in Cairo, he died therein on this Tuesday. And as per the State News agency of Egypt, the former U.N. Chief was having a broken leg and also the problems in his Heart and Kidney.
Moreover, it was seen in the United Nations, that the U.N. Security Council’s 15- members found observing silence for a minute when the death of former U.N. Chief was announced therein.
It was also seen that the present United Nations Secretary- General- Ban Ki- moon has issued the statements in connection with his death and he actually praised deceased work, by saying that in the history of U.N. the period which led by Boutros- Ghali was one of the most “tumultuous” and challenging one. And further he said, Boutros- Ghali showed courage while there being much difficult questions relating to the member states.
The early life of Boutros- Ghali was showing that he came from the wealthy family where he found impressive political ancestry. He found able to claim to be both Arab and African as he was an Egyptian and by religion he was a Coptic Christian and he then married an Egyptian Jew, who later converted religion.
He was also notably, the first African who had become the United Nations secretary- general. He was also found dealing with the most critical issue of Famine relief Somalia. Moreover, he was also criticized for the U.N.’s failure in acting during the Rwandan Genocide of 1994 and also for not pushing hard enough for U.N. intervention for ending Angola’s civil war in the year 1990s.
Adv. Faim Khalilkhan Pathan