Radovan Karadzic held responsible for Srebrenica genocide; UN Court sentenced him to 40 years jail

The Hague: The Former Bosnian Serb Leader- Radovan Karadzic was convicted by the United Nations Court’s War Crimes Judges for his found involvement in the genocide and other 9 charges and he was awarded with the sentence of imprisonment for 40 years. The key charge against the leader- Karadzic was found as of genocide for some of the worst atrocities committed in Europe since World War- II, i.e. throughout the war of Bosnia (1992- 1995) where around a lakh of peoples found dead.

It was during that brutal war of Balkan country, the Bosnia’s Serb minority leader faces charges of “genocide”, “war crimes” and “crimes against humanity” for his alleged involvement in the crimes where around a lakh of peoples found killed and also 2.2 million other peoples found displaced.

Karadzic- now 70 of his age and also one- time psychiatrist is happened to be the highest- profile politician from the wars of Balkan who is facing this judgement. However, earlier to him, Slobodan Milosevic- the former Serbian Strongman who died in the prison cell in The Hague, was one.

The convict- Karadzic who also happens to be the president of the breakaway Republika Srpska, was charged for his parting in the joint criminal scheme for everlastingly eradicating Muslim and Bosnian Croat inhabitants from areas, which were claimed as Bosnian Serb Territory. After the pronouncement of the decision of convicting and sentencing him, Karadzic slumped slightly in his chair, however, also he shown little emotion.

Moreover, as per sources, the convicted Karadzic is now planning to appeal his conviction, as stated by Peter Robinson- the part of legal team of Karadzic. As per, Presiding Judge- O-Gon Kwon, Karadzic was the only person in the leadership of Bosnian Serb with the power which could have stopped the genocide.

It was also seen that the United Nations Court further convicted Karadzic for his criminal responsibility of murdering, attacking civilians and terror for overseeing the deadly 44- month siege of the capital of Bosnia- Sarajevo. However, he was acquitted by the Court in the second genocide charge, in connection with his campaigning to drive Bosnian Muslim and Croats out of villages claimed by Serb forces.

Adv. Faim Khalilkhan Pathan

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