The National Commission for Allied and Health care Professions Act 2021

Modern science and scientific methods had made a tremendous progress in the field of Health Care apart from several traditional or healing systems in the country. One of the major drawback of several health care systems are their exposure to exploitation of not imparting the proper or exact knowledge of those systems. Several parallel health care systems are aimed to exploit the people through spreading fake knowledge of speedy recovery from the ailments. The National commission for Allied and Health Care Professions Act was enacted on 28th March 2021 with 8 chapters, 70 sections and one schedule focusing on imparting education to the health care professionals.

The act aims on maintenance and regulation of standards of education in research, development and adoption of latest scientific advancement in allied and health care professionals and assessment of institutions maintaining Central and State register. The act also look upon scientific advancement connected to any matters related to allied and health care professions and professionals.

Chapter 2 section 3 of the act deals with the composition and institution of the Commission as a body corporate with seal and signature for exercising power and discharge of duties mentioned in the act and to execute power and duties subject to the provisions of the Act. Section 10 and 11 enumerates the professional council or the regulatory council and functions of the Commission. The main functions of the Commission includes framing policies, standards, guidelines, professional conduct code, code of ethics, maintenance of online and live details on Central Register about the details of the academic qualifications, training, place of practice, competences of allied health care professionals related to their concerned professions as per the schedule of the act and subject to the provisions of the act.
Chapter three of the act empowers the constitution and composition of state council on every state termed as State Allied Health care council for executing the provisions of the act by complying the functions of the State council stated in section 20 with regard to entry of recognized categories, enforcing professional conduct, ensuring standard of courses, uniform entry examination, admission for degree, diploma and post graduate courses, ensuring uniform licensing and exit examination for the allied health care professionals comes under the purview of the act. Section 32 deals with the mandate creation and maintenance of state Allied and Health care professionals Register.

Chapter four of the Act states the recognition of the qualification of the professionals from outside the country only if such qualifications are not contrary to the act. Chapter five of the act empowers the establishment of new courses and establishment of Allied Health care Institutions and chapter six states the Finance, accounts and audit of the Commission and state council.

Chapter seven deals with the offences and penalties including failure of surrender of certification of registration by the allied and health care professionals and chapter eight deals with the miscellaneous provisions and power to make rules and regulations by the state and Central Government.
The enactment had given an overall alert and impact in the field of allied and Health care profession to create awareness and there by restrict exploitation among the people.

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